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Zero Emissions Off-Highway Vehicles: An Overview
#DZOM, Blog

MACH Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

Dukosi Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

OPAL-RT Technologies Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

IST AG Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

Calogy Solutions Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

Motec Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, News

ALFAGOMMA Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

Benefits of Autonomous Machinery in Construction
#AOMT, Blog

DISTek Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

Canimex Group Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

CoreM2M Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

ZAPI GROUP Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibitor

smartmicro Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

Turntide Announced As Exhibitor At DZOMUSA Expo
#DZOM, Exhibtor

Algoryx Joins As Silver Sponsor Of DZOMUSA Expo
#AOMT, Exhibitor

How Is ADAS Implemented In Off-Highway Vehicles?
#AOMT, Blog

John Deere Adds Autonomous Towing to Its Manufacturing Operations
Last year, Deere tested the EZTow autonomous tow-tractor, moving combine harvester cabs from staging to the assembly line on an exterior route at John Deere Harvester Works in Illinois, and will now deploy the solution globally.
#AOMT, #DZOM, #Volvo

Volvo CE & Volvo Trucks Partner With Capelle Transports to Pilot Electric Shuttle Delivery Solution
The e-shuttle service is designed to reduce CO2 emissions during the first transport leg of construction machines from the Volvo CE factory in France, and increase efficiency by optimizing the loading of each truck trailer that leaves the yard.
#AOMT, #DZOM, #Volvo

What Effects Will the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Have on US Imports/Exports of Agricultural & Construction Machinery?
Following the collapse of the Baltimore Bridge and the suspension of traffic through the Port of Baltimore, construction and agriculture vehicle supply chains will be affected but the question is: How much?
#DZOM, #Off-Highway, #USA

Turntide Technologies introduces new modular battery pack for commercial EVs
Turntide Technologies has announced the launch of the Turntide Lithium-ion NMC Battery Pack, a new product line offering a scalable modular design with greater energy density in a lighter, smaller form factor than the previous Hyperdrive battery line.
#electrification, DZOM, EVs